MGP Caliper Covers “Build of the Month” Submission Form

About the Build of the Month Feature

The MGP “Build of the Month” is a blog and social media feature highlighting a customer’s vehicle that has been customized with MGP Caliper Covers. Each month, a different vehicle is showcased to celebrate its unique modifications, with a focus on how the caliper covers enhance the look and style and any other mods the individual would like to highlight. This feature includes photos and videos of the vehicle, details on the upgrades, and the owner’s experience with the covers. The feature is shared across MGP’s platforms, including email campaigns, blogs, and social media, encouraging engagement by spotlighting real customer builds.

Section 1: Personal Information

Section 2: Vehicle Information

Section 3: MGP Caliper Covers Details

Section 4: Build Description

Section 5: Owner's Story

Section 6: Photo & Video Upload

Choose file
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Section 7: Social Media Details

Section 8: Social Media Engagement Agreement

Section 9: Agreement

Submit Your Build

Once your submission is complete, keep an eye on your inbox. If selected, we’ll reach out with more details on your feature.

Thank you for sharing your passion with MGP Caliper Covers. We’re excited to celebrate your build!