MGP Caliper Covers were designed with you in mind. Easily install MGP Brake Covers at home within 1 hour with standard car tools. Please check out the installation video below to get an idea of how to install your caliper covers or check out our MGP Tech YouTube here!
Scan the QR code on the installation card provided with your order for instructions specific to your vehicle.
Don’t have the tools at home?
Tools Required
- Car jack
- Jack stand
- 3/8 wrench
- .013 Feeler Gauge

Park your vehicle on a level surface and engage the Emergency Brake. Put on your Safety Glasses and raise the vehicle per manufacturer’s instructions. Place Jack Stand(s) under vehicle. Do not conduct installation without jack stands in place!
Each application is vehicle and caliper specific so your configuration may vary slightly. Installation will be very similar regardless of the configuration of your set of caliper covers.

Front Installation
Keep the labeled front and rear clip baggies separate.

Remove front wheel
Remove the front wheel with an Impact Wrench or Lug Wrench.

Position caliper cover
Place the front caliper cover on top of the brake caliper and slide the mounting clip on while keeping the caliper cover centered and snug against the face of the brake caliper.

Slide fastening clip
Be sure to slide the top of the clip underneath the fastening lock nut. The bottom side of the clip should slide in between the rotor and the caliper bracket. Repeat the clip installation on the other side.

Align & center
Make sure that the caliper cover is centered. Hand tighten the lock nuts.

Tighten lock nuts
Tighten down the lock nuts with a 3/8 inch wrench to 25 inch-pounds (about 1/2 turn past finger tight).

Check clearance
Use the included .013mm paper feeler gauge and verify clearance between the brake rotor and fastening clip. The feeler gauge should be able to slide in and out without obstruction.

Reinstall the wheel
Be careful not to damage the caliper cover when installing the wheel. Verify that the wheel clears the caliper cover before lowering the vehicle. Remove Jack Stand(s) and lower vehicle.

Tighten lug nuts per manufacturer’s specifications using the torque wrench. Installation is complete. Repeat for the brake caliper on the opposite side.

Rear Installation
The fastening system for the rear set is engineered slightly different than the front. Before installing the fastening clips, remove the lock nuts and place them aside.

Attach fastening clip
Slide fastening clip on to the rear caliper bracket as shown. Repeat on the opposite bracket.

Position Caliper Cover
Place cover over rear brake caliper and position hole in the bridge over the threaded stud located on the fastening clip. Rotate the cover to position the second hole over the stud on the opposite fastening clip. There may be a slight stretch involved when lining up the second stud. This is normal.

Tighten lock nuts
Reinstall the lock nuts that you previously removed off the fastening clips. Tighten down to 25-inch pounds (about ½ turn past finger tight). Do not over tighten.

Check clearance
Use the included .013mm paper feeler gauge and verify clearance between the brake rotor and fastening clip. The feeler gauge should be able to slide in and out without obstruction.

Reinstall rear wheel
Reinstall the rear wheel. Be careful not to damage the caliper cover when installing the wheel. Verify that the wheel clears the caliper cover before lowering the vehicle. Tighten lug nuts per manufacturer’s specifications using the torque wrench. Repeat for the brake caliper on the opposite side.